5th---Greek Alphabet Song

"Sir" is not the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Remember that most of
the Bible was written in Greek. If you can read some of the original texts
then the study of scripture becomes even more powerful.
Αα          Alpha
Ββ           Beta
Γγ            Gamma
Δδ          Delta
Εε           Epsilon
Ζζ            Zeta
Ηη          Eta
Θθ          Theta
Ιι             Iota
Κκ           Kappa
Λλ           Lambda
Μμ         Mu
Νν          Nu
Ξξ            Xi
Οο          Omicron
Ππ          Pi
Ρρ           Rho
Σσς         Sigma
Ττ            Tau
Υυ           Upsilon
Φφ         Phi
Χχ           Chi
Ψψ         Psi
Ωω         Omega

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