Hello Everyone!!!! This is Mr. Aguilera saying welcome to another edition of Blogg the Truth!

5th---Scavenger Hunt 2

1.) Click the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese link to the right. Place your curser over the Education tab on the right and select Vocations Office. A short presentation should begin. Can you tell me the name of Galveston-Houston's Vocation Director? After the short presentation go to the tab Is God Calling? and click What is a Vocation? and now watch this video. Do you know what a vocation is?
2.) Click the Typing Site to the right. Go to Tests and choose Lesson #32 Classic Tales and Time should be 1 minute. Take the test and see if you can beat Mr Aguilera's 55 words per minute with no errors.
3.) Click the WordOnFire link to the right. At the top of this webpage place your curser over Catholicism Series and click The Pilgrimage. Now select Mexico on the Map and watch that trailer to Mexico. Go to back to The Pilgrimages and do the same for Rome. Watch the rest when you have time.
4.) Under Pages to the right, click the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal. Can you tell me the change in the first line of the Nicene Creed? When will this change take effect?
5.) If you haven't already take the St Survey to the right.



All-powerful and ever-living God,
when Abraham left his native land
and departed from his people
you kept him safe through all his journeys.
Protect these soldiers.
Be their constant companion and their strength in battle,
their refuge in every adversity.
Guide them, O Lord, that they may return home in safety.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Religion of the United States Supreme Court Justices

1.) John Roberts (Chief Justice)-Catholic
2.) Antonin Scalia-Catholic
3.) Anthony M. Kennedy-Catholic
4.) Clarence Thomas-Catholic
5.) Samuel Alito-Catholic
6.) Sonia Sotomayor-Catholic
7.) Stephen G. Breyer-Jewish
8.) Ruth Bader Ginsburg-Jewish
9.) Elena Kagan-Conservative Jewish

The Supreme Court religious make up: 6 are Catholic and 3 are Jewish.

The Family Circus has always been one of my favorite
comics of all time. Bil Keane is a remarkable artist and he
is a great example of what Catholic Education can produce.



5th---Charlie Brown Christmas

A Charlie Brown Christmas 1965
We should all try to find the true meaning behind everything!
Find the 1960's collection and enjoy these great treasures.

5th---CatholicTv Jr

Here is an even easier way to access the programing on CatholicTV!!!!
There is so much to see!

5th---Eugenio María Giovanni Pacelli: Pius XII

What a remarkable Pope. He did so much for those that were persecuted
during WWII. He truly deserves to be a Saint.

5th---Pope John XXIII

5th---Scavenger Hunt

1.) Go to the Vatican website on the link to the right. Choose English and then click on Basilica of St Peter Virtual Tour. Tour all eight areas and listen to the beautiful chant.
2.) Go to the Excel Link on the right and click the first video Excel Basics #1 watch the video and move to the next one when you are ready.
3.) Go to the Study on-line links to the right. Enter the Math and Health link. Choose Math when you get to the next page. Select "Harcourt Math" and click your textbook on the right screen. Next choose your grade. Go to Ch. 3 Math Model: Subtract Decimals. Work out at least two problems. Now you can study any chapter from home.
4.) Go the the Catholic TV link on the right. Browse through the shows on the bottom of the webpage until you see WOW: The Catholic Challege. Click this show and watch the latest program.
5.) Click the USCCB website on the right. At the top of the page click movies. Click "Criteria" and read to understand how each movie is rated. Go back a page and enter current movies to see the rating for current movies. TRUE or FALSE Twilight: New Moon is rated AII - adults and adolescents?
6.) Watch every video on this blog that begins with 5th.

5th---Benedict XVI: internet a new way to speak of God

We all have to bring the Gospel to the world in whatever medium it might be!!!

5th---Greek Alphabet Song

"Sir" is not the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Remember that most of
the Bible was written in Greek. If you can read some of the original texts
then the study of scripture becomes even more powerful.
Αα          Alpha
Ββ           Beta
Γγ            Gamma
Δδ          Delta
Εε           Epsilon
Ζζ            Zeta
Ηη          Eta
Θθ          Theta
Ιι             Iota
Κκ           Kappa
Λλ           Lambda
Μμ         Mu
Νν          Nu
Ξξ            Xi
Οο          Omicron
Ππ          Pi
Ρρ           Rho
Σσς         Sigma
Ττ            Tau
Υυ           Upsilon
Φφ         Phi
Χχ           Chi
Ψψ         Psi
Ωω         Omega

HBU Presents Convocation with Daniel Cardinal DiNardo

"Lepanto" by G K Chesterton (poetry reading)

Miguel de Cervantes faught at the battle of Lepanto. Learn your history or fail to
understand the present!!

5th---Fulton Sheen - Life is Worth Living "Angels"

Do you believe in Angels? The Church teaches that they exist. Listen to
this video and enrichen your faith in Angels. After the video is over you'll
need to click video #2 and then #3 to see the whole program.

5th---Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones

A great Hymn with which to praise God!!

Fr. Barron comments on the Prosperity Gospel

Oh Lord, teach us to find treasure in our heart.