5th---Scavenger Hunt 2

1.) Click the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese link to the right. Place your curser over the Education tab on the right and select Vocations Office. A short presentation should begin. Can you tell me the name of Galveston-Houston's Vocation Director? After the short presentation go to the tab Is God Calling? and click What is a Vocation? and now watch this video. Do you know what a vocation is?
2.) Click the Typing Site to the right. Go to Tests and choose Lesson #32 Classic Tales and Time should be 1 minute. Take the test and see if you can beat Mr Aguilera's 55 words per minute with no errors.
3.) Click the WordOnFire link to the right. At the top of this webpage place your curser over Catholicism Series and click The Pilgrimage. Now select Mexico on the Map and watch that trailer to Mexico. Go to back to The Pilgrimages and do the same for Rome. Watch the rest when you have time.
4.) Under Pages to the right, click the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal. Can you tell me the change in the first line of the Nicene Creed? When will this change take effect?
5.) If you haven't already take the St Survey to the right.

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