5th---Scavenger Hunt

1.) Go to the Vatican website on the link to the right. Choose English and then click on Basilica of St Peter Virtual Tour. Tour all eight areas and listen to the beautiful chant.
2.) Go to the Excel Link on the right and click the first video Excel Basics #1 watch the video and move to the next one when you are ready.
3.) Go to the Study on-line links to the right. Enter the Math and Health link. Choose Math when you get to the next page. Select "Harcourt Math" and click your textbook on the right screen. Next choose your grade. Go to Ch. 3 Math Model: Subtract Decimals. Work out at least two problems. Now you can study any chapter from home.
4.) Go the the Catholic TV link on the right. Browse through the shows on the bottom of the webpage until you see WOW: The Catholic Challege. Click this show and watch the latest program.
5.) Click the USCCB website on the right. At the top of the page click movies. Click "Criteria" and read to understand how each movie is rated. Go back a page and enter current movies to see the rating for current movies. TRUE or FALSE Twilight: New Moon is rated AII - adults and adolescents?
6.) Watch every video on this blog that begins with 5th.

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